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Universal Heavy Abrasion-Resistance Castable for Petrochemical£¨Counter 1   Addtime£º2006-7-5 18:22:23£©
Brand name
Corundum castable
Mullite castable Bit of sion high castable
Phosphate castable
High alumina castable
XAJ-95 XMSJ-72 XPLJ-60 XLL-70 XLL-85
Refractoriness ¡Ý¡æ 1790 1780 1750 1770 1750
Bulk density ¡Ýg/cm3 3.1 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.9
Cold crushing strength¡ÝMPa
80 35 25 45 80
80 75 40 65 70
100 85 65 80 100
Bending strength¡ÝMPa
10 8 5 4.5 9
10 8 5 8 9
12 9 7 9 10
Linear change after heating 1450¡æ*2h¡Ü% -0.2 -0.4 +0.1 -0.5 -0.2
Themal conductivity¡ÜW/m.k 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.5
Safe service temperature 1600 1500 1350 1450 1500
Remarks Carefully chosen source material,high intensity and convenient for construction,used in the important part of furmaces and kilns. Corrosion- resistant,high refractoriness under load,suitable for abrasion- resistant parts. Little thermal expansion,and stable size,suitable for the top part of combustor and furnace wall and throat. Convenient for construction,not strict for firing,hotly hardened casting material,used the abrasion- resistant part of combustor and material outlet under 1450¡æ Good abrasion resistant ability,convenient for construction,function can be adjusted according to user srequire-ment.

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